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Getting started

Springtime is a Python library, but it relies on R packages for some of the data downloads. Depending on your situation, the options below may be applicable:

  1. You want to create a new (conda/mamba) environment that contains both R and python, and install springtime and the relevant R packages inside it.
  2. You want to install springtime and its R dependencies in an existing environment where R and Python are already available
  3. You want to use a docker container where everything is already pre-installed.
  4. You want to install springtime in an isolated environment on CRIB or a similar JupyterHub service.

Create a new (conda/mamba) environment

You need to have mamba/conda available on your system. To create a new environment and activate it, run

mamba create --name springtime python="3.10"
mamba activate springtime

Add pre-compiled R dependencies

In the next step, we will install the R dependencies. However, these can take a long time to compile. Alternatively, most of the dependencies are available as pre-compiled binaries via conda. You may choose to install these in your new environment by using the environment shipped with springtime.

curl -o environment.yml
mamba env update -n springtime -f environment.yml

Install springtime

Springtime is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:

pip install springtime

This only installs the bare package. We provide an 'extras' option that additionally installs some ML models, ipykernel for working in notebooks. To install these extras along with springtime, run

pip install springtime[extras]

Install R dependencies

R dependencies can be installed with the following:

Rscript -e 'devtools::install_github("bluegreen-labs/phenor", upgrade="never")'
Rscript -e 'devtools::install_github("ropensci/rppo", upgrade="never")'
Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("daymetr", "MODISTools", "phenocamr", "rnpn"), repos = "")'

Use springtime through docker

An alternative way to use springtime is via docker. We have prepared a docker image that can be found here. This image is based on the official jupyter docker stack with R already installed. On top of that, we have already installed springtime with all its dependencies.

To use it, you need to have docker installed on your system.

Official instructions for installing docker desktop can be found here. Alternatively, many third-party instructions can be found online to install docker without docker desktop, for example in WSL.

Once you have docker, you can pull the springtime image using

docker pull

After the download completes, the image should be listed when you type docker images.

Using the docker image

You can use the docker image in two ways. The following command will start a jupyter lab instance in which the springtime environment is installed:

docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work

Alternatively, you can use the docker image to use the springtime command on your terminal:

docker run --rm springtime --help

You could also set an alias like so:

# By setting this alias
alias springtime="docker run --rm springtime"

# you can now run
springtime --help

# which will effectively execute
docker run --rm springtime --help

As such, you can effectively use the docker version of springtime exactly like you would use a local installation.

Customizing the docker command to your needs

Essentially, the commands above can be split into a few parts:

docker run <OPTIONS> <COMMAND>

The core command docker run starts a container based on the springtime image you just pulled. The --rm option makes sure it is deleted again after it is done executing <COMMAND>. The default command is to start a jupyter lab instance, so that's what happens if you don't specify <COMMAND>. Above, we executed the command springtime --help.

The -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work tells docker to make your current working directory (on your own system) available to the docker container. Inside the container this directory will be available as /home/jovyan/work, i.e. the work folder you see by default in jupyter lab. Changes inside this folder will remain available on your host system. Changes in any other directory will be lost when the container is destroyed. Note that you can mount multiple directories in this way.

The -it makes it possible to interact with the running program, intead of simply executing and exiting. Thus container will terminate once you terminate your jupyter lab session.

Additional options may be added to the docker command as well. For example, to run on a macbook, we had to add --platform linux/amd64:

docker run --rm --platform linux/amd64 springtime --help

Be aware that docker containers can consume significant resources on your system. Make sure that they're always properly removed when you're ready. You can run docker ps -a to see all containers lingering around on your system, and you can remove them with docker rm <ID OR NAME>.

Note: tmp/data

By default, currently, springtime stores any data or output in /tmp/data. That means it will be lost when the docker container is destroyed. To persist it, for now, move it to the work folder. We are planning to add additional configuration that should make specification of the output or data directories more flexible.

Install mamba on CRIB

Select one of the CRIB Intel x86_64 machines. Then open a terminal and run the code below:

curl -L -O
You may reply yes to this question:

Do you wish the installer to initialize Mambaforge
by running conda init? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Install on CRIB or other managed JupyterHub service

Sometimes the existing environment may clash with your springtime environment, or you don't have complete control over the default environment. In that case, it may be possible to create a custom kernel for springtime.

This worked for us on CRIB:

# 0. Start Intel x86_64 machine

# 1. Make sure you have mamba
which mamba  # should return a path

# If not install mambaforge and activate it
# Make sure to append x86_64 to installation location.

# 2. Clone springtime repo
git clone
cd springtime

# 2. Create new environment
mamba env create --file environment.yml --name springtime_x86

# 3. Activate the environment
mamba activate springtime_x86

# 4. Developer installation
pip install -e .

# 5. Add Jupyter kernel
# See the instructions here:
pip install ipykernel kernda
python -m ipykernel install --user --name springtime_x86 --display-name="Springtime x86" --env R_LIBS_USER $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/R/library
kernda -o ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/springtime_x86/kernel.json -o

# 6. Install direct R dependencies
Rscript -e 'devtools::install_github("bluegreen-labs/phenor", upgrade="never")'
Rscript -e 'devtools::install_github("ropensci/rppo", upgrade="never")'
Rscript -e 'install.packages("daymetr", repos = "")'